
Skydive provides a Kubernetes file which can be used to deploy Skydive. It will deploy an Elasticsearch, a Skydive analyzer and Skydive Agent on each Kubernetes nodes. Once you will have Skydive deployment on top on your Kubernetes cluster you will be able to monitor, capture, troubleshoot your container networking stack.

A skydive Analyzer Kubernetes service is created and exposes ports for Elasticsearch and the Analyzer:

  • Elasticsearch: 9200
  • Analyzer: 8082

Kubernetes DaemonSet is used for Agents in order to have one Agent per node.

kubectl create -f skydive.yaml


This repository contains Ansible roles and playbooks to install Skydive analyzers and agents.

The roles, samples inventory can be found here


  • Ansible >=
  • Jinja >= 2.7
  • Passlib >= 1.6

All-in-one localhost Installation

sudo ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts.localhost playbook.yml.sample

Deployment mode

There are three main deployment modes available :

  • binary (default)
  • container
  • package

The binary mode download the latest stable version of Skydive. The container mode uses the latest Docker container built. Docker or Podman have to be deployed on the hosts to use this mode.

In order to select the mode, the skydive_deployment_mode has to be set.


Basically there are only two roles :

  • skydive_analyzer
  • skydive_agent

Variables available

Variable Description
skydive_topology_probes Defines topology probes used by the agents
skydive_fabric Fabric definition
skydive_etcd_embedded Use embedded Etcd (yes/no)
skydive_etcd_port Defines Etcd port
skydive_etcd_servers Defines Etcd servers if not embedded
skydive_analyzer_port Defines analyzer listen port
skydive_analyzer_ip Defines analyzer listen IP
skydive_deployment_mode Specify the deployment mode
skydive_auth_type Specify the authentication type
skydive_basic_auth_file Secret file for basic authentication
skydive_username Username used for the basic authentication
skydive_password Password used for the basic authentication
skydive_config_file Specify the configuration path
skydive_flow_protocol Specify the flow protocol used
skydive_extra_config Defines any extra config parameter
skydive_nic Specify the listen interface
os_auth_url OpenStack authentication URL, used to create a service user
os_username OpenStack username, used to create a service user
os_password OpenStack password, used to create a service user
os_tenant_name OpenStack tenant name, used to create a service user
os_domain_name OpenStack domain name, used to create a service user
os_user_domain_name OpenStack user domain name, used to create a service user
os_project_domain_name OpenStack project domain name, used to create a service user
os_endpoint_type OpenStack endpoint type, used to create a service user
os_identity_api_version OpenStack identity api version, used to create a service user
skydive_sys_username System user that will be use to start services
skydive_sys_groupname System group that will be use to start services
skydive_os_auth_url OpenStack authentication URL used for authentication and Probe
skydive_os_service_user_role Set the role of the Skydive service user
skydive_os_service_username Skydive service user name
skydive_os_service_password Skydive service password
skydive_os_service_tenant_name Skydive service tenant name
skydive_os_service_domain_name Skydive service domain name
skydive_os_service_region_name Skydive service region name
skydive_os_service_endpoint_type Skydive service endpoint type
skydive_os_service_insecure Set to true if allowing using insecure TLS connection
skydive_auth_os_tenant_name Keystone tenant name that the users have to belong to
skydive_auth_os_domain_name Keystone domain name that the users have to belong to
skydive_auth_os_domain_id Keystone domain id that the users have to belong to
skydive_container_cli Specify the container client to be used, Docker or Podman
skydive_docker_registry Specify the Docker registry
skydive_analyzer_docker_image Analyzer container image to be used
skydive_analyzer_docker_image_tag Analyzer container image tag
skydive_analyzer_docker_command Analyzer container command to start the service
skydive_agent_docker_image Agent container image to be used
skydive_agent_docker_image_tag Agent container image tag
skydive_agent_docker_command Agent container command to start the service
skydive_iptables_rules Specify whether Skydive playbook will handle iptables rules

How to configure Skydive

Every configuration parameter of the Skydive configuration file can be overridden through an unique Ansible variable : skydive_extra_config.

To activate both docker and socketinfo probe you can use :

skydive_extra_config={'agent.topology.probes': ['socketinfo', 'docker'], 'logging.level': 'DEBUG'}


Some examples are present in the inventory folder.

OpenStack TripleO

In order to ease the deployment of Skydive on top of a TripleO deployment we provide a script which helps to generate the appropriate inventory file.

This script can be found here

In order to use it you will have to use the following steps:

source stackrc
python skydive-tripleo-inventory \
  --undercloud-params tripleo-config-generated-env-files/undercloud_parameters.yaml

This will generate an inventory called skydive-inventory.yaml

There is a way to pass extra parameters in order to pass some specific values, please see the following usage output:

usage: skydive-tripleo-inventory [-h] [--agent-extra-file AGENT_EXTRA_FILE]
                                 [--analyzer-extra-file ANALYZER_EXTRA_FILE]
                                 [--ansible-ssh-user ANSIBLE_SSH_USER]
                                 [--auth-token AUTH_TOKEN]
                                 [--auth-url AUTH_URL] [--cacert CACERT]
                                 [--config-dir DIR] [--config-file PATH]
                                 [--extra-file EXTRA_FILE]
                                 [--inventory-file INVENTORY_FILE]
                                 [--password PASSWORD] [--plan PLAN]
                                 [--project-name PROJECT_NAME]
                                 [--undercloud-params-file UNDERCLOUD_PARAMS_FILE]
                                 [--username USERNAME]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --agent-extra-file AGENT_EXTRA_FILE
                        extra vars agent file
  --analyzer-extra-file ANALYZER_EXTRA_FILE
                        extra vars analyzer file
  --ansible-ssh-user ANSIBLE_SSH_USER
  --auth-token AUTH_TOKEN
  --auth-url AUTH_URL
  --cacert CACERT
  --config-dir DIR      Path to a config directory to pull `*.conf` files
                        from. This file set is sorted, so as to provide a
                        predictable parse order if individual options are
                        over-ridden. The set is parsed after the file(s)
                        specified via previous --config-file, arguments hence
                        over-ridden options in the directory take precedence.
  --config-file PATH    Path to a config file to use. Multiple config files
                        can be specified, with values in later files taking
                        precedence. Defaults to None.
  --extra-file EXTRA_FILE
                        extra vars file
  --inventory-file INVENTORY_FILE
                        file to be written
  --password PASSWORD
  --plan PLAN
  --project-name PROJECT_NAME
  --undercloud-params-file UNDERCLOUD_PARAMS_FILE
                        undercloud params file
  --username USERNAME

By default the local Docker registry will be used and thus is specified in the generated inventory.

You can adapt the inventory to use the upstream images:


skydive_docker_registry: docker.io
skydive_analyzer_docker_image: skydive/skydive
skydive_analyzer_docker_command: analyzer
skydive_agent_docker_image: skydive/skydive
skydive_agent_docker_command: agent
python skydive-tripleo-inventory --undercloud-params tripleo-config-generated-env-files/undercloud_parameters.yaml \
    --extra-file extra.yaml

You can use Skopeo to copy the Skydive image(s) to the local registry.

Ex for OpenStack Rocky:

skopeo copy --dest-tls-verify=false --src-tls-verify=false \
  docker://docker.io/kolla/centos-binary-skydive-analyzer:latest \

skopeo copy --dest-tls-verify=false --src-tls-verify=false \
  docker://docker.io/kolla/centos-binary-skydive-agent:latest \


skydive_analyzer_docker_image: kolla/openstack-skydive-analyzer:latest
skydive_agent_docker_image: kolla/openstack-skydive-agent:latest

To deploy:

ansible-playbook -i skydive-inventory.yaml playbook.yml.sample


For a single node setup, the configuration file is optional. For a multiple nodes setup, the analyzer IP/Port and the analyzers list need to be adapted.

Tutorials describe single node deployment and multiple nodes deployment

See the full list of configuration parameters in the sample configuration file etc/skydive.yml.default.


To secure communication between Agent(s) and Analyzer, Skydive relies on TLS communication with strict cross validation. TLS communication can be enabled by defining X509 certificates in their respective section in the configuration file, like :

  ca_cert: /etc/ssl/certs/ca.domain.com.crt
  server_cert: /etc/ssl/certs/analyzer.domain.com.crt
  server_key:  /etc/ssl/certs/analyzer.domain.com.key
  client_cert: /etc/ssl/certs/agent.domain.com.crt
  client_key:  /etc/ssl/certs/agent.domain.com.key

Generate the certificates

Certificate Signing Request (CSR) :

openssl genrsa -out analyzer/analyzer.domain.com.key 2048
chmod 400 analyzer/analyzer.domain.com.key
openssl req -new -key analyzer/analyzer.domain.com.key -out analyzer/analyzer.domain.com.csr -subj "/CN=skydive-analyzer" -config skydive-openssl.cnf

Analyzer (Server certificate CRT) :

yes '' | openssl x509 -req -days 365  -signkey analyzer/analyzer.domain.com.key -in analyzer/analyzer.domain.com.csr -out analyzer/analyzer.domain.com.crt -extfile skydive-openssl.cnf -extensions v3_req
chmod 444 analyzer/analyzer.domain.com.crt

Agent (Client certificate CRT) :

openssl genrsa -out agent/agent.domain.com.key 2048
chmod 400 agent/agent.domain.com.key
yes '' | openssl req -new -key agent/agent.domain.com.key -out agent/agent.domain.com.csr -subj "/CN=skydive-agent" -config skydive-openssl.cnf
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -signkey agent/agent.domain.com.key -in agent/agent.domain.com.csr -out agent/agent.domain.com.crt -extfile skydive-openssl.cnf -extensions v3_req

skydive-openssl.cnf :

distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
req_extensions = v3_req

countryName = Country Name (2 letter code)
countryName_default = FR
stateOrProvinceName = State or Province Name (full name)
stateOrProvinceName_default = Paris
localityName = Locality Name (eg, city)
localityName_default = Paris
organizationalUnitName	= Organizational Unit Name (eg, section)
organizationalUnitName_default	= Skydive Team
commonName = skydive.domain.com
commonName_max	= 64

[ v3_req ]
# Extensions to add to a certificate request
basicConstraints = CA:TRUE
keyUsage = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment, keyCertSign
extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth,clientAuth
subjectAltName = @alt_names

DNS.1 = agent.domain.com
DNS.2 = analyzer.domain.com
DNS.3 = localhost
IP.1 =
IP.2 =
IP.3 =

Configuration environment variables

Skydive allows setting most of its configuration knobs using environment variables. When a parameter is provided both through the configuration file and an environment variable, the latter will be used.

The mechanism works as follow: when Skydive looks for a value of a configuration parameter, it will first look for an environment variable that starts with SKYDIVE_ and where the dots were replaced by an underscore. Let’s take an example.

Simple configuration value

The analyzer.listen parameter describes the address the Skydive analyzer will listen to for incoming requests. Using the configuration file, this YAML snippet can be used:


To specify this value using an environment variable (or to override the one previously defined), the SKYDIVE_ANALYZER_LISTEN variable can be used.


If the configuration knob is a list - for instance a list of strings - the values of the arrays must be separated by a space. For instance agent.topology.probes that holds the list of the topology probes that must be enabled on the agent can be specified using the environment variable SKYDIVE_AGENT_TOPOLOGY_PROBES with the value netlink netns lldp.


In some specific cases, such as the Web UI configuration ui, a dictionnary is used to hold the configuration. In this cases, the environment variable can hold a JSON objects such as: export SKYDIVE_UI='{"theme":"light"}'.


Skydive’s roles and policies enforcement is based on casbin. Policies are stored in etcd and are therefore shared between all the analyzers. The default model, based on subjects, objects and actions, can be overriden in the rbac section of the configuration file: here.

An example policy could be:

p, guests, alert, read, allow
p, guests, capture, read, allow
p, guests, topology, read, allow
g, bob, guests
g, alice, guests
p, alice, capture, write, allow
p, bob, topology, read, deny

This policy would create a guests group that has the rights to read alerts and captures, and to query the topology. alice and bob would be 2 members of this group. In addition, alice would be able to capture traffic while bob would not have the right to query topology.

To upload the policy, create a mypolicy.csv file with the above content, then use:

curl -X PUT --data-urlencode "value@mypolicy.csv" http:/localhost:12379/v2/keys/casbinPolicy

A predefined policy is bundled into Skydive and contains all the possible objects and actions: see here.