Deploy Skydive on top of OpenStack using Tripleo
by Sylvain Afchain, 07/08/2018Skydive supports multiple deployment ways, from containers (Kubernetes, OpenShift) to Ansible playbook. In this blog post I will explain how to deploy Skydive on top of OpenStack using Tripleo. Support for Skydive is already integrated in TripleO since the Queens release but this support has been reworked the new config download]( feature. During the last few weekds, we added a TripleO job to our CI. In this blog post, I will extract some of the scripts involved in the CI job to show how to deploy the latest version of Skydive with Tripleo.
Tripleo Quickstart
As we’ll use Quickstart to setup the Tripleo environment we’ll need to provide a config file skydive-minimal.yaml
to enable Skydive.
undercloud_generate_service_certificate: true
ssl_overcloud: true
overcloud_templates_path: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates
step_introspect: true
containerized_overcloud: true
delete_docker_cache: true
enable_pacemaker: false
network_isolation: true
network_isolation_type: "single-nic-vlans"
telemetry_args: >-
-e {{ overcloud_templates_path }}/environments/disable-telemetry.yaml
extra_args: >-
-e {{ overcloud_templates_path }}/environments/services/skydive-environment.yaml
-e {{ working_dir }}/skydive.yaml
deploy_steps_ansible_workflow: false
config_download_args: >-
-e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/config-download-environment.yaml
We need also to provide a proper Tripleo environment to enable Skydive. The following file is the
environment file skydive.yaml
that will be used by to deploy the overcloud.
- OS::TripleO::Services::CACerts
- OS::TripleO::Services::Clustercheck
- OS::TripleO::Services::Docker
- OS::TripleO::Services::GlanceApi
- OS::TripleO::Services::HAproxy
- OS::TripleO::Services::Ipsec
- OS::TripleO::Services::Iscsid
- OS::TripleO::Services::Keepalived
- OS::TripleO::Services::Kernel
- OS::TripleO::Services::Keystone
- OS::TripleO::Services::Memcached
- OS::TripleO::Services::MySQL
- OS::TripleO::Services::MySQLClient
- OS::TripleO::Services::NeutronCorePlugin
- OS::TripleO::Services::NeutronApi
- OS::TripleO::Services::NeutronDhcpAgent
- OS::TripleO::Services::NeutronL3Agent
- OS::TripleO::Services::NeutronMetadataAgent
- OS::TripleO::Services::NeutronOvsAgent
- OS::TripleO::Services::NovaApi
- OS::TripleO::Services::NovaConductor
- OS::TripleO::Services::NovaMetadata
- OS::TripleO::Services::NovaPlacement
- OS::TripleO::Services::NovaScheduler
- OS::TripleO::Services::Ntp
- OS::TripleO::Services::OsloMessagingNotify
- OS::TripleO::Services::OsloMessagingRpc
- OS::TripleO::Services::Pacemaker
- OS::TripleO::Services::Sshd
- OS::TripleO::Services::SwiftProxy
- OS::TripleO::Services::SwiftDispersion
- OS::TripleO::Services::SwiftRingBuilder
- OS::TripleO::Services::SwiftStorage
- OS::TripleO::Services::Timezone
- OS::TripleO::Services::TripleoFirewall
- OS::TripleO::Services::TripleoPackages
- OS::TripleO::Services::SkydiveAnalyzer
- OS::TripleO::Services::SkydiveAgent
- OS::TripleO::Services::CACerts
- OS::TripleO::Services::ComputeNeutronCorePlugin
- OS::TripleO::Services::ComputeNeutronOvsAgent
- OS::TripleO::Services::Docker
- OS::TripleO::Services::Ipsec
- OS::TripleO::Services::Iscsid
- OS::TripleO::Services::Kernel
- OS::TripleO::Services::MySQLClient
- OS::TripleO::Services::NovaCompute
- OS::TripleO::Services::NovaLibvirt
- OS::TripleO::Services::NovaMigrationTarget
- OS::TripleO::Services::Ntp
- OS::TripleO::Services::Sshd
- OS::TripleO::Services::Timezone
- OS::TripleO::Services::TripleoFirewall
- OS::TripleO::Services::TripleoPackages
- OS::TripleO::Services::SkydiveAgent
nova::compute::libvirt::services::libvirt_virt_type: qemu
nova::compute::libvirt::libvirt_virt_type: qemu
Debug: true
DockerPuppetDebug: True
As the purpose of our CI job is to test Skydive patches against Tripleo we use the following script which is a modified version of our CI script. The goal of the script is to run, step by step, a Tripleo deployment while ensuring that latest version of Skydive is used. To do so, we rebuild the Skydive Kolla images and we push them in the local registry. We do so by adding lines to override the Kolla image addresses in the environment file.
set -e
# download latest binary
curl -Lo skydive
chmod +x skydive
# download quickstart
sudo rm -rf ~/.quickstart/
sudo rm -rf /tmp/tripleo-quickstart
git clone /tmp/tripleo-quickstart
# install the undercloud
bash -R master --no-clone --tags all \
--requirements quickstart-extras-requirements.txt \
--config $CONFIG \
-p quickstart.yml $VHOST
bash -R master --no-clone --tags all \
--config $CONFIG \
-I --teardown none -p quickstart-extras-undercloud.yml $VHOST
# download skydive source to get latest ansible playbooks
git clone skydive.git
# copy Skydive resources to the undercloud
scp -F ~/.quickstart/ssh.config.ansible -r skydive.git undercloud:
scp -F ~/.quickstart/ssh.config.ansible skydive undercloud:
# make Skydive ansible available for mistral
ssh -F ~/.quickstart/ssh.config.ansible undercloud "sudo cp -R /home/stack/skydive.git/contrib/ansible /usr/share/ansible/skydive-ansible"
# copy Tripleo skydive environment file
scp -F ~/.quickstart/ssh.config.ansible $SKYDIVE_CONFIG undercloud:skydive.yaml
# prepare the overcloud deployment
bash -R master --no-clone --tags all \
--config $CONFIG \
-I --teardown none -p quickstart-extras-overcloud-prep.yml $VHOST
# rebuild kolla images and update the environment file
ssh -F ~/.quickstart/ssh.config.ansible undercloud <<'EOF'
REGISTRY=$(grep push_destination containers-prepare-parameter.yaml | head -n 1 | awk '{print $3}' | tr -d '"' )
sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 18888 -j ACCEPT
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 18888 &
ADDRESS=$(ifconfig docker0 | awk '/inet /{print $2}')
rm -rf kolla
git clone
pushd kolla
sed -i "s|\(.*\)/skydive|http://$ADDRESS:18888/skydive|" docker/skydive/skydive-base/Dockerfile.j2
tools/ --registry $REGISTRY --push -b centos skydive-agent --tag devel --network_mode host --nocache
tools/ --registry $REGISTRY --push -b centos skydive-analyzer --tag devel --network_mode host --nocache
echo "Kolla docker images pushed"
echo " SkydiveAnsiblePlaybook: /usr/share/ansible/skydive-ansible/playbook.yml.sample" >> skydive.yaml
echo " DockerSkydiveAnalyzerImage: $REGISTRY/kolla/centos-binary-skydive-agent:devel" >> skydive.yaml
echo " DockerSkydiveAgentImage: $REGISTRY/kolla/centos-binary-skydive-agent:devel" >> skydive.yaml
# start the overcloud deployment
bash -R master --no-clone --tags all \
--config $CONFIG \
-I --teardown none -p quickstart-extras-overcloud.yml $VHOST
First Skydive request
Once deployed we can go to the undercloud machine.
ssh -F ~/.quickstart/ssh.config.ansible undercloud
There we need to get the controller IP where the Skydive analyzer runs.
source stackrc
CTLIP=$( openstack server show overcloud-controller-0 -f json | jq -r .addresses | cut -d '=' -f 2 )
Finally let’s do our first Skydive request. The following one will return all the OpenvSwitch bridges.
./skydive client query "G.V().Has('Type', 'ovsbridge')" --username skydive --password secret
As we just saw, most of the job is there to build and push Kolla images using the latest version of Skydive. Once the remaining patches are merged
and the 0.19 version of Skydive is released, providing the Skydive environment file (environments/services/skydive-environment.yaml) and adding
- OS::TripleO::Services::SkydiveAnalyzer
- OS::TripleO::Services::SkydiveAgent
to the ControllerServices
section and only the agent to the ComputeServices
section will be enough
the have Skydive deployed.